/trailersSTOCK 61856685|LOT 962012 Vermeer V250Tandem Axle Vacuum Suction TrailerEnquireShare+ 20 morePHOTOS1/23Fullscreen2012 Vermeer V250Tandem Axle Vacuum Suction TrailerCorner Phoenix Road & Sudlow Road, Bibra Lake, WAAdd a noteBIDFinance EnquiryWA Trucks and Machinery (Live)Sale InfoLOT 95LOT 96LOT 97
+ 20 morePHOTOS1/23Fullscreen2012 Vermeer V250Tandem Axle Vacuum Suction TrailerCorner Phoenix Road & Sudlow Road, Bibra Lake, WAAdd a noteBIDFinance EnquiryWA Trucks and Machinery (Live)Sale InfoLOT 95LOT 96LOT 97