/machinerySTOCK 61802637|LOT 145inch Irrigation Pipes with Trailer (45 pipes in total) - NO SPRAYSSaveEnquireShare+ 16 morePHOTOS1/19Fullscreen5inch Irrigation Pipes with Trailer (45 pipes in total) - NO SPRAYSTamworth, Tamworth, NSWItem Not Yet Available for SaleCheck back soonNational Agricultural Light Industrial OnlineSale InfoLOT 13LOT 14LOT 15
+ 16 morePHOTOS1/19Fullscreen5inch Irrigation Pipes with Trailer (45 pipes in total) - NO SPRAYSTamworth, Tamworth, NSWItem Not Yet Available for SaleCheck back soonNational Agricultural Light Industrial OnlineSale InfoLOT 13LOT 14LOT 15