/general goodsSTOCK 61839079|LOT 29Approx. 290x Lengths of Mixed Bundle Casing including 3 1/2', 2 7/8', 2 3/8' & 4''. SaveEnquireSharePHOTOS1/3FullscreenApprox. 290x Lengths of Mixed Bundle Casing including 3 1/2', 2 7/8', 2 3/8' & 4''. LOT 2/4 Tilly Crescent, Miles, QLDCasing, Sucker Rod & Pup Joint Sale - Miles QLDLOT 27LOT 29LOT 30
PHOTOS1/3FullscreenApprox. 290x Lengths of Mixed Bundle Casing including 3 1/2', 2 7/8', 2 3/8' & 4''. LOT 2/4 Tilly Crescent, Miles, QLDCasing, Sucker Rod & Pup Joint Sale - Miles QLDLOT 27LOT 29LOT 30