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STOCK 61806946

Lot of Dexion Racking Including Approximately 37 x Uprights (12 x ~8m, 12 x 4.8m, 9 x 2.4m, 2 x 4.2m, 2 x 1.8m with wheels), 410 x Crossbeams and 2 x Floor Guards

Lot of Dexion Racking Including Approximately 37 x Uprights (12 x ~8m, 12 x 4.8m, 9 x 2.4m, 2 x 4.2m, 2 x 1.8m with wheels), 410 x Crossbeams and 2 x Floor Guards

Corner Phoenix Road & Sudlow Road, Bibra Lake, WA
Item Not Yet Available for SaleCheck back soon
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