1x Red Metal Cloth Bin with Lock.
1x Red Metal Cloth Bin with Lock.,Dimensions Approx. 1160mmW x 1150mmD x 1830mmH
**Note: Used asset, condition is unknown and has not been tested for operability**,Serial No: nv,WOVR Status: WOVR N/A,Incident Type: Malicious
GST Status
GST Included in Sale Price
1x Red Metal Cloth Bin with Lock.
20-21 Woorang Street , Milperra, NSW
Any Questions? Please Get in Touch 1300 052 392
This item must be collected (lifted, towed and transported as applicable) in accordance with Pickles Driver Induction, all relevant and applicable State and Federal legislative instruments....
This item must be collected (lifted, towed and transported as applicable) in accordance with Pickles Driver Induction, all relevant and applicable State and Federal legislative instruments....