/earthmoving and mobile plantSTOCK 61830520|LOT 792007 Wacker RTTrench Roller (Dual Padfoot)SaveEnquireShare+ 13 morePHOTOS1/16Fullscreen2007 Wacker RTTrench Roller (Dual Padfoot)Nancy Ellis Leebold Drive, Milperra, NSWItem Not Yet Available for SaleCheck back soonNSW/ACT Civil Construction and Earthmoving (Online)LOT 78LOT 79LOT 80
+ 13 morePHOTOS1/16Fullscreen2007 Wacker RTTrench Roller (Dual Padfoot)Nancy Ellis Leebold Drive, Milperra, NSWItem Not Yet Available for SaleCheck back soonNSW/ACT Civil Construction and Earthmoving (Online)LOT 78LOT 79LOT 80