/carsSTOCKĀ 618045432022 Suzuki BalenoEW Series II MY22 GL Hatchback 5dr Auto 4sp 1.4iSaveEnquireShare+ 20 morePHOTOS1/23Fullscreen2022 Suzuki BalenoEW Series II MY22 GL Hatchback 5dr Auto 4sp 1.4i179 Gladstone Street, Fyshwick, ACTBUY $16,078* Start with only $1,000 deposit today!Finance EnquiryApply for Finance Pre-approvalTRANSPORT QUOTE
+ 20 morePHOTOS1/23Fullscreen2022 Suzuki BalenoEW Series II MY22 GL Hatchback 5dr Auto 4sp 1.4i179 Gladstone Street, Fyshwick, ACTBUY $16,078* Start with only $1,000 deposit today!Finance EnquiryApply for Finance Pre-approvalTRANSPORT QUOTE