/carsSTOCKĀ 612637882019 Renault KangooF61 Phase II Van SWB 5dr. EDC 6sp 540kg 1.2TSaveEnquireShare+ 21 morePHOTOS1/24Fullscreen2019 Renault KangooF61 Phase II Van SWB 5dr. EDC 6sp 540kg 1.2T41-45 McIntyre Road, Sunshine North, VICBUY $22,000* Start with only $1,000 deposit today!Finance EnquiryApply for Finance Pre-approval
+ 21 morePHOTOS1/24Fullscreen2019 Renault KangooF61 Phase II Van SWB 5dr. EDC 6sp 540kg 1.2T41-45 McIntyre Road, Sunshine North, VICBUY $22,000* Start with only $1,000 deposit today!Finance EnquiryApply for Finance Pre-approval