AU$ All prices are in Australian dollars.

We're launching a variety of website enhancements inspired by invaluable customer feedback!
Stay tuned to explore the updates and experience our improved auction alert features available soon. 

Key upcoming features

New bid live features

The  Bid Live button will only appear once the Final Listing  for that auction is complete. This will enable you to view the final listing of items in the auction and place your max bids in Pickles Live even before the auction officially starts!

If you come across an auction you're interested in you can now add it to your interested list by simply clicking on the calendar icon. You can register your interest in our Online auctions as well as our Pickles Live auctions. 

Auction Notification Options

We can notify you via email or SMS once the final listing is set and when the auction is about to begin based on your preferences.  That way you never have to miss out on bidding on the items you want!  

Keep track of your auctions

You can easily find the auctions you are interested in or registered in on our website by clicking on the My Auctions button on our Upcoming Auctions page.

How it works

1. Log into your Pickles account.
2. Select the auction you're interested in.
3. Click the calendar icon to open a reminder dialog box.
4. Choose your notification preferences – you can opt for email or SMS.

Step 1

Select ‘LOG IN’ from Pickles homepage.

Step 2

Log into MyPickles using your email address and password.

Step 3

Click the profile icon in the top right corner and select ‘MyPickles’ from the drop-down menu.

Step 4

In the ‘You are buying as’ field, select ‘Individual’ and save.

Step 5

Verify your driver licence online or manually.


You have completed all the tasks and your profile has been successfully re-verified.