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Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds Asks R U OK?

As we gear up for another day, there’s something special about this one. Tuesday May 14, 2024, isn’t just any ordinary day – it marks the third year of R U OK? in Trucks & Sheds (HHTS). This industry initiative is all about fostering a workplace culture where colleagues feel empowered to look out for each other. 

Empowering conversations: Ask R U OK? – No qualifications needed

This year’s R U OK? Day in Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds, focuses on the theme of Ask R U OK? – No qualifications needed. Naomi Frauenfelder, CEO of Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds, explains: “When asking for feedback from the industry, we heard people didn’t feel qualified enough to ask: ‘Are you OK?’. But here’s the thing – you don’t need a qualification to check in with a colleague or friend. That’s the message we’re spreading loud and clear this year.”

Vikki Venables, Distribution Centre Manager at Coles, shares a R U OK? conversation that changed a life. She recounts receiving a call from her manager about a colleague who seemed troubled. Vikki reached out, discovering his plans to end his life that night. Acting swiftly, she arranged immediate support and ongoing care.

This story is powerful, and it’s an important one to share, especially on a day like today. It highlights the profound impact of a simple question like “Are you OK?” can have and underscores the importance of reaching out to those around us, even if we feel unqualified or unsure. Vikki Venables’ experience serves as a powerful reminder of the potential life-saving impact of such conversations. By opening up conversations about mental health and checking in with our colleagues and friends, we can create a supportive environment where people feel comfortable seeking help when they need it most.

In these industries, colleagues might not always work side by side, but we can still cast our minds to what might be going on for our workmates,” says R U OK? CEO, Katherine Newton. “If you spot changes to their behaviour or routine, or you get that gut feeling something might be going on in their world, make the time to check in with them and to really listen. Our research shows genuine interest and concern when asking R U OK? is the most important factor in helping people feel safe to open up.”

Partnerships for positive change

At Pickles, we’ve long been committed to supporting mental health and wellbeing in our industry and beyond. That’s why we partnered with the Healthy Heads Trucks & Sheds Foundation three years ago, working together to shine a light on the unique challenges faced by those in the road transport, warehousing, and logistics sectors across Australia. 

We want to encourage anyone and everyone to start a conversation. You might be fine and help someone else struggling with something or you might find support and understanding from someone who has been through similar experiences. 

As we observe R U OK? Day, let’s remember that our willingness to ask, listen, and support can make all the difference in someone’s life. Whether you’re in the office, on the road, in the warehouse, or anywhere in between, reaching out is something we can all do. And beyond today, every day is a day we can potentially make a difference by asking someone: “Are you OK?”

Visit for free resources to help you have an R U OK? conversation and plan your R U OK? in Trucks & Sheds activities.

If you or someone you know needs extra support, contact information for national support and services is available at

Lifeline Australia provides free and confidential crisis support any time, day or night. Call 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14, or chat online at

13YARN is a free 24/7 service offering crisis support for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people. Call 13YARN (13 92 76).

MensLine Australia is a free 24/7 service offering support for Australian men. Call 1300 78 99 78 or chat online at

14 May