AU$ All prices are in Australian dollars.

Townsville - Ingham Road

787 Ingham Road, Bohle QLD 4818

Opening Hours

1300 052 392


What we do at Townsville - Ingham Road:
  • Motor vehicles, including:
    - Government, fleet and repossessed car auctions
    - PicklesGO (fixed price)
  • Salvage auctions including heavy motor, recreational, marine, caravan and motorcycles
  • Industrial auctions including trucks, machinery and earthmoving equipment
  • Recreational good auctions including motorcycles, caravans and trailers
  • Marine auctions including boats and jet skis
  • General good auctions


Important WHS notification: Safety is the foundation of all our values and we have a number of processes in place to protect the health and safety of our staff and customers. Refer to our WHS page for our policies, guides and important notifications.

For all media enquiries please email For previous media coverage, check out our media page.